Friday, November 25, 2016

5 years

I felt an urge to enter a post.  Tuesday I went on for what should be my final ct scan.  5 years cancer free.  I will get the final results  mid December.  been an interesting year.  some changes at work. and ironically exactly 5 years after I became the area sales manager- I will be leaving the role for something else.  exactly 5 years after I beat cancer.  lots of people out there still fighting that fight.  and june keeps telling me as she did 5 years ago.  peace that surpasses all understanding. peace to know there is a God up there that walks alongside me through the best times of my life and the worst.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Race Day

Just wanted to thank all my supporters and donators.   Pretty nervous at the beginning of the race, probably didn't stretch as much as I wanted to.  There was a lot of people gathered at 6:30am to run 21km.  Still a mystery to me. 

First 10-12 kms felt good.  Started at Nat Bailey stadium down cambie street over the bridge towards Chinatown.  At around 14km, there was some tightening of the hams and quads running through yaletown.  I did not expect as much incline as there was and I clearly wasn't ready for it.

They talk about the "wall" in running.  Where you hit that point of the race where your body begins to shut down.  It didn't help that the app on my phone was off and so it was charting me almost a full km behind so in my ear it told me 10km but actually I was at km 9.

Anyways, I passed km 17 and my body went Oh No.  I didn't stop but every little incline felt like the grouse grind.  At one point I was running and looked to my right and there was a guy walking- at the same pace I was running.  That gave me a little energy boost to speed up. 

When the sign said 500 meters to go and I could see the finish line, all I thought about was how embarrassing it would be to stop right here and lay down.  But I got there and can cross a half marathon off the bucket list. Phew. Having done it with my brother was nice.  He ran it with little training and strep throat- so it was hard to complain to him.  I still did.  Also ran with my Pastor Jade-he was like a celebrity on the course, high fiving everyone and people with cameras running alongside him.  Paparazzi.

So if you see me this week and I am walking funny- you will know why.

Thanks again everyone.

*Funny signs on the route:

"IF Trump can run, so can you"
"Don't walk, people are watching"
" run like you got 1% left on your iphone"

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The big day

I guess there have been a few nerve racking "night before's" in my life
 - night before wedding
- night before test results after chemo
- night before Rhys was born (although that one was a few long nights)

The night before my first half marathon seems to be right up there.  nervous and excited.  so many friends have supported me in this cause- can't really quit now.  last min training tips from my brother- like 10 of them.  haha.  culminates into one long run and test of my mental, physical and spiritual will.   one thing my co worker Andrew tells me- trust your training. trust your training

one lesson that this journey has re-taught me is that in all things, you must be intentional. In training, work, friendships, relationships, my marriage- it doesn't work by luck or chance. but it takes effort.  about to hit the big 40 this year- some have asked if this running thing is about midlife crisis and wouldn't it be just easier to get a camero or mustang or I guess a souped up Acura in my case? Well. it's for the kids and running with over 100 people devoted to the same cause at tenth church is inspiring. having my brother beside me brings back nostalgia from our childhood (mock Tour de France on our bikes in the church parking lot )

ok lofty goals- finish the run and don't die.  can't wait for that ice cold coke at the finish line

oh yeah. skipping church tomorrow. inability to walk may be a good excuse.

I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

now I know God doesn't generally work on Sunday's. but... gonna need him to tomorrow.  OT.

see you on the other side...of the finish line

Monday, April 18, 2016


I've decided to resurrect my blog.  I see a lot of cancer survivors run marathons after they beat it.  I always thought that was weird.  I sure as heck wasn't going to do it.  Famous last words haha...

So this journey started a few months ago when the pastor of my church Ken Shigematsu challenged his entire staff and anyone from the congregation to run the BMO marathon or half marathon on behalf of Tenth Church and specifically World Vision in the fight to stop child trafficking. 

My brother Dan said that he would do it with me and that was this beginning.  Those who know me understand how much I hate running- from the days of trying to cheat at DT gym class run days. (think Seinfeld and the taxi).

Anyways, after some high altitude training in whistler this weekend, I'm up to 18 km in my training.  and it hurts...everything hurts.  But for a great cause.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers...last 2 weeks before the run. No injuries or setbacks.  If you want to donate. Check it out.



Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26th 2013- Final CT scan results

Well- final ct scan clear.  doc says that this is the last one. only blood tests from now on and less than 1% chance of anything reoccuring.  The last 2 years have been quite a journey.  Thank you all who have been there beside me the entire way.  All the prayers, well wishes and support.  It would have been hard to imagine getting through it without all of you.  All the cliches are true.  It is times of trial and darkness that you truly appreciate what you have and puts life into perspective.  I know that religion or faith is different for every person.  My faith in God got me through a pretty tough time and my prayer is that he is there for every one of my friends who read this blog.  Onward to a 90 day fitness challenge to try and change my lifestyle for the better.  It may be grumpy gil for a while.  grumpy because of junk food withdrawal .  Speaking of life perspective, the view from my 4year old daughter is always a good one.  I also wanted to share a conversation I had with my daughter on the plane ride to disneyland a few weeks ago:

Me:  Rhys, look out the window, the plane is taking off

Rhys: wow, how come its getting all white and foggy

Me:  We are flying higher and higher, we are in the clouds

Rhys:  Are we going to see Jesus?

Me:  One day, hopefully not today, ok?

Rhys:  Ok dada, are we at disneyland yet?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 16, 2013

I mentioned the other day to a friend that I don't blog anymore because I was beginning to feel like facebook and for those of you who know me, know I am not a fan of knowing what everyone is doing all the time. My friend made a point that the blog was mostly to remind myself of what happens so that made a lot of sense. I am sitting at the cancer clinic again for what might be my last ct scan. Its been 2 years since I finished treatment and this last scan will close the book on this chapter of my life. Very exciting. As usual I will have to wait a week for the results . Much has happened since my last post. June and I got a chance to take rhys to disneyland. That was amazing. As a parent there isnt much more joy you can experience than when your child sees cinderalla for the first time and the look on her face is priceless. Anyways. Will update as soon as I get results and then I think a party is in order.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dec 2012

One more clear cancer checkup in the books.  There was no scan this time.  I haven't had a scan since May.  They don't too much radiation from the CT scans.  Just bloodwork and x-ray.  All clear.  I wonder if cancer survivors get antsy if they don't get a scan.  My doc said they will do a scan in Feb.  Which is the 2 year anniversary of my diagnosis and treatment.  Time flies, can't believe it's almost - Christmas.  This has been a crazy year- not quite as crazy as last year but still.  I am more appreciative of family and friends than ever before.  I am loving being a soccer dad.  I am praying for more and more people every day with loved ones that have cancer- it's scary.  but like i always tell the people at work- let's control the controllables and don't worry about things you do not have any control over.  I gotta look back at last years post and see if i accomplished any of the things i set out do this year. We will have to see.  wishing everyone a safe and merry holidays- hope to see all of you soon- thanks to all who donated to movember- the stache was just as bad if not worse- i will post some pics on my next blog.  peace